Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year 2021: Wishes, greetings, quotes, images, SMS, messages for WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook

The year 2020 has been an unpredictable ride through the pandemic, protests and many more difficulties that had made living life quite hard for people across the globe. But as we near the end of this year, we all should accept the fact that with every passing year, one should leave behind the bad memories and mistakes. So now, as we embrace the upcoming year, 2021, let us all be positive and cheery with shining spirits and aspirations for the future. We should vow to not let the negative times affect us in looking forward to the future and working hard to achieve our dreams and ambitions. So, let us all embrace the new year with much-needed hopes and happiness.

In an account of this, we bring to you some wishes, message and quotes to share with your family and friends for the new year.

Happy New Year 2021: Wishes

May the new year be filled with brightness and hope so that darkness and sadness stay away from you. Happy New Year!
Wishing you 12 months of success, 52 weeks of laughter, 365 days of fun, 8,760 hours of joy, 525,600 minutes of good luck, and 31,536,000 seconds of happiness.

I’ve been waiting 365 days to say “Happy New Year” since I had so much fun saying it last year. Happy New Year, Friend.

Happy New Year. Here is a wish for the New Year from someone who is adorable, handsome, and intelligent and wants to see you smiling always.

May this New Year bring actual change in you, not a recurrence of old habits in a new package.

May you grow like wine, old but only better with time!

Every year brings with it new opportunities to mould yourself into what you want to be.

Life is the most interesting thing that will ever happen to you. Celebrate every day to the fullest!

May you paint the blank canvas of this year with bright and happy colours!

Cheers to health, happiness, and prosperity in 2021!

Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year!

New Year is the time to start a new chapter of life. Happy New Year 2021!

Have a wonderful New Year surrounded by all your loved ones!

May you fill your New Year with new adventures, accomplishments, and learnings!

May your New Year bring you reasons to smile!

May the New Year 2021 bring you more love, happiness, and blessings!

May all sorrows are washed away by God and you get showered with the best blessings!

May Lord shower you with blessings as we enter into the New Year 2021!

Happy New Year. Here’s to having a fresh start at binge eating, boozing, and slacking off.

To a New Year full of new possibilities, even though I’m sure we’ll just do the same old stuff anyway.

Happy New Year and good luck in the next year! We’ll both need it!

May your teeth are white, your eyes are bright, and your capacity for love at its height!

Wishing you a year full of blessing and filled with a new adventure. Happy new year 2021!

Here’s to another year full of joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories with an unforgettable friend!

Wishing you all a blissful new year. Hope that joy and success follow you in every sector of life.

Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. Cheers to another year of sisterhood.

Each year I spend with you is the best one yet! Here’s to making more memories in 2021.

New Year’s Day is the first page in a blank book: Write a phenomenal story!

New is the year, new are the hopes, new is the resolution, new are the spirits, and new are my warm wishes just for you. Have a promising and fulfilling New Year!

Happy New Year 2021: Messages

As the entire world around us grows older by a year, I hope you possess a heart that remains as youthful and cheerful as always. Happy New Year!

This message is to convey my heartfelt greetings to you and your family. Hope you had a great year and will have even a better one this time. Spend time with your near and dear ones. Enjoy!

Let’s make our New Year resolution to be there for each other and help fellow human beings in need even if we don’t know them personally. So come let’s spread some kindness and cheer! Happy New Year!

May your days be painted in gold. May your life be filled with diamonds. May the stars shine brightly on your world. May you have a fun-filled year. Happy New Year.

Colourful like the rainbow and brilliant like the sun fragrant as roses and filled with cheer and fun. Wishing you a Happy New Year.

Life is not about possession; it is about appreciation, new hopes and aspirations. Happy New Year.

A new year is a chance to make new beginnings and letting go of old regrets. Happy New Year.

Thanks for all the fun, and lovely moments we shared. May we have lots more in the glorious New Year.

May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live!

Here’s to a bright New Year and a fond farewell to the old; here’s to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.

May your teeth be white, your eyes be bright, and your capacity for love at its height!

May your most used attire in the New Year be a smile.

I wish God blesses you with the might to take every problem head-on and emerge unscathed.

May the Lord empower you with confidence and faith to do well amidst competition.

Enjoy this special time of year with those you love, and may the Lord bless you all with a happy and healthy New Year.

May the Lord empower you with confidence and faith to do well amidst competition.

Praying that you and your family have a happy and healthy New Year!

I’m blessed to know that I have friends like you in my life this New Year. Here’s to many years to come!



Chiba Urban Monorail

History of Chiba Urban Monorail

The Chiba Urban Monorail was constructed as a response to the worsening traffic situation in Chiba City. The construction of the monorail started in 1987, but its operations began on March 1988. It currently holds the Guinness World Record of the longest suspended monorail train system at 15.2 km. The monorail has two routes available–one short and another longer. Route 1–the shorter route–runs 3.2 km, the whole ride takes approximately nine minutes in total. Route 2, on the other hand, runs 12 km, around 25 minutes ride time in total.

                   Jai Baba Balak Nath Ji

बाबा बालकनाथ जी हिन्दू आराध्य हैं, जिनको उत्तर-भारतीय राज्य हिमाचल प्रदेश , पंजाब , दिल्ली में बहुत श्रद्धा से पूजा जाता है, इनके पूजनीय स्थल को “दयोटसिद्ध” के नाम से जाना जाता है, यह मंदिर हिमाचल प्रदेश के हमीरपुर जिले के चकमोह गाँव की पहाड़ी के उच्च शिखर में स्थित है। मंदिर में पहाडी के बीच एक प्राकॄतिक गुफा है, ऐसी मान्यता है, कि यही स्थान बाबाजी का आवास स्थान था। मंदिर में बाबाजी की एक मूर्ति स्थित है, भक्तगण बाबाजी की वेदी में “ रोट” चढाते हैं, “ रोट ” को आटे और चीनी/गुड को घी में मिलाकर बनाया जाता है। यहाँ पर बाबाजी को बकरा भी चढ़ाया जाता है, जो कि उनके प्रेम का प्रतीक है, यहाँ पर बकरे की बलि नहीं चढ़ाई जाती बल्कि उनका पालन पोषण करा जाता है। बाबाजी की गुफा में महिलाओं के प्रवेश पर प्रतिबन्ध है, लेकिन उनके दर्शन के लिए गुफा के बिलकुल सामने एक ऊँचा चबूतरा बनाया गया है, जहाँ से महिलाएँ उनके दूर से दर्शन कर सकती हैं। मंदिर से करीब छहः कि॰मी॰ आगे एक स्थान “शाहतलाई” स्थित है, ऐसी मान्यता है, कि इसी जगह बाबाजी “ध्यानयोग” किया करते थे।

कहानी[संपादित करें]

बाबा बालकनाथ जी की कहानी बाबा बालकनाथ अमर कथा में पढ़ी जा सकती है, ऐसी मान्यता है, कि बाबाजी का जन्म सभी युगों में हुआ जैसे कि सत्य युग,त्रेता युग,द्वापर युग और वर्तमान में कल युग और हर एक युग में उनको अलग-अलग नाम से जाना गया जैसे “सत युग” में “ स्कन्द ”, “ त्रेता युग” में “ कौल” और “ द्वापर युग” में “महाकौल” के नाम से जाने गये। अपने हर अवतार में उन्होंने गरीबों एवं निस्सहायों की सहायता करके उनके दुख दर्द और तकलीफों का नाश किया। हर एक जन्म में यह शिव के बड़े भक्त कहलाए। द्वापर युग में, ”महाकौल” जिस समय “कैलाश पर्वत” जा रहे थे, जाते हुए रास्ते में उनकी मुलाकात एक वृद्ध स्त्री से हुई, उसने बाबा जी से गन्तव्य में जाने का अभिप्राय पूछा, वृद्ध स्त्री को जब बाबाजी की इच्छा का पता चला कि वह भगवान शिव से मिलने जा रहे हैं तो उसने उन्हें मानसरोवर नदी के किनारे तपस्या करने की सलाह दी और माता पार्वती, (जो कि मानसरोवर नदी में अक्सर स्नान के लिए आया करती थीं) से उन तक पहुँचने का उपाय पूछने के लिए कहा। बाबाजी ने बिलकुल वैसा ही किया और अपने उद्देश्य, भगवान शिव से मिलने में सफल हुए। बालयोगी महाकौल को देखकर शिवजी बहुत प्रसन्न हुए और उन्होंने बाबाजी को कलयुग तक भक्तों के बीच सिद्ध प्रतीक के तौर से पूजे जाने का आशिर्वाद प्रदान किया और चिर आयु तक उनकी छवि को बालक की छवि के तौर पर बने रहने का भी आशिर्वाद दिया।

कलयुग में बाबा बालकनाथ जी ने गुजरातकाठियाबाद में “देव” के नाम से जन्म लिया। उनकी माता का नाम लक्ष्मी और पिता का नाम वैष्णो वैश था, बचपन से ही बाबाजी ‘आध्यात्म’ में लीन रहते थे। यह देखकर उनके माता पिता ने उनका विवाह करने का निश्चय किया, परन्तु बाबाजी उनके प्रस्ताव को अस्विकार करके और घर परिवार को छोड़ कर ‘ परम सिद्धी ’ की राह पर निकल पड़े। और एक दिन जूनागढ़ की गिरनार पहाडी में उनका सामना “स्वामी दत्तात्रेय” से हुआ और यहीं पर बाबाजी ने स्वामी दत्तात्रेय से “ सिद्ध” की बुनियादी शिक्षा ग्रहण करी और “सिद्ध” बने। तभी से उन्हें “ बाबा बालकनाथ जी” कहा जाने लगा।

बाबाजी के दो पृथ्क साक्ष्य अभी भी उप्लब्ध हैं जो कि उनकी उपस्थिति के अभी भी प्रमाण हैं जिन में से एक है “ गरुन का पेड़” यह पेड़ अभी भी शाहतलाई में मौजूद है, इसी पेड़ के नीचे बाबाजी तपस्या किया करते थे। दूसरा प्रमाण एक पुराना पोलिस स्टेशन है, जो कि “बड़सर” में स्थित है जहाँ पर उन गायों को रखा गया था जिन्होंने सभी खेतों की फसल खराब कर दी थी, जिसकी कहानी इस तरह से है कि, एक महिला जिसका नाम ’ रत्नो ’ था, ने बाबाजी को अपनी गायों की रखवाली के लिए रखा था जिसके बदले में रत्नो बाबाजी को रोटी और लस्सी खाने को देती थी, ऐसी मान्यता है कि बाबाजी अपनी तपस्या में इतने लीन रहते थे कि रत्नो द्वारा दी गयी रोटी और लस्सी खाना याद ही नहीं रहता था। एक बार जब रत्नो बाबाजी की आलोचना कर रही थी कि वह गायों का ठीक से ख्याल नहीं रखते जबकि रत्नो बाबाजी के खाने पीने का खूब ध्यान रखतीं हैं। रत्नो का इतना ही कहना था कि बाबाजी ने पेड़ के तने से रोटी और ज़मीन से लस्सी को उत्त्पन्न कर दिया। बाबाजी ने सारी उम्र ब्रह्मचर्य का पालन किया और इसी बात को ध्यान में रखते हुए उनकी महिला भक्त ‘गर्भगुफा’ में प्रवेश नहीं करती जो कि प्राकृतिक गुफा में स्थित है जहाँ पर बाबाजी तपस्या करते हुए अंतर्ध्यान हो गए थे।


                                                                देवनागरी              सिद्ध बाबा बालक नाथ
                                                                संबंध                     ब्राह्मण, (नाथ), 
                                                                देवतामंत्र                ॐ नमः सिद्धाय
                                                                प्रतीक                     झोली, चिमटा, वैरागन, पउए
                                                                माता-पिता             (Father) रतनो (mother)
  •                                                                 सवारी                     मोर
  •                                                                  त्यौहार                   चेत महिना, चैत्र                               

The Lake Of Srinagar

Dal Lake

Top choice lake

in Srinagar

The Gurdwara of Harmandir Sahib Ji


History of Harmandir Sahib

History of Harmandir Sahib

The origin and evolution of the place where the Golden Temple now stands is covered in mystery. Some sources trace its origin from the pre-historic era as an Indian place of worship. The location of the Golden Temple is a low lying area with a big pond surrounded by dense jungle. This piece of land was shred by Sultanwind Tung, Gilwali and Gumtala etc. villages. More over its geographical location was superb. It was next to the city of Lahore, the then capital of Punjab and the highway connecting India and Central Asian countries was also running through this piece of land.

Select Chronology of Harmandir Sahib and Amritsar

1573 AD The construction work of the holy water tank started under the supervision of Guru RamDas Ji.

1577 AD Guru Ram Das Ji laid the foundation of Amritsar (earlier known as Ram Das Pur)

1588 AD The foundation of Harimandir was laid by a Muslim saint Mian Mir.

1604 AD The central shrine completed.

1606 AD The Sikh Guru Hargobind ji adopted two swords, one for religious affairs and another for worldly affairs. Guru Hargobind sahib ji also laid the foundation of Akal Takht.

1621 AD Guru Teg Bahadur ji was born in Amritsar.

1628 AD The first ever Sikh-Mughal armed conflict, and the Sikhs emerged victorious under the command of Guru Hargobind sahib ji.

1634 AD Guru Hargobind sahib ji left for Kiratpur with his devotees to avert possible attack on visiting Sikh devotees.

1665 AD Guru Teg Bhadur visited the Golden Temple after becoming the ninth Sikh Guru but he was denied entry by its priests.

1721 AD Bhai Mani Singh appointed the head priest and administrator of the Golden Temple. After a century long period, the Golden Temple’s control was again under the Sikhs.

1725 AD Dispute between the two Sikh sects over the Golden Temple’s control. Bhai Mani singh resolved it in a fair manner.

1738 AD The head priest Bhai Mani Singh hacked into pieces for not paying demanded revenue to the Mughal authorities

1739 AD The Mughals negotiated peace and granted independent territory [jagir] to the Sikhs.

1739 AD Persian king Nadis Shah attached the Golden Temple

1740 AD The Sikhs avenged the act of sacrilege by a Mughal administrator named Massa Ranghard. Two Sikh warriors Sukha singh and Mehtab singh chopped his head in the sanctum where he was watching dance under he effect of alcohol with his friends and soldiers.

1745 AD A wave of suppression started to curb the Sikhs.

1757 AD Afghan King Ahmed Shah Abdali attacked the Golden Temple and Baba Deep Singh martyred.

1762 AD After the greater holocaust of Feb 5, 1762 Afghan king Abdali Razed the Golden Temple to the ground and filled its holy tank with debris, rubbish and animal carcasses.

1764 AD Once again Abdali came to Amritsar and ruined what ever he came across. Baba Gubaksh Singh and his thirty comrades were ruthlessly murdered near the Akal Takhat.

1767 AD Udasi saints Nirvan Pritam Das and Mahant Santokh Das brought 35 miles long water canal to fill the holy water tank with the water of river Ravi.

1773 AD Sikh Misal chiefs raised the building of Gurdwara baba Atal near the Golden Temple.

1776 AD Reconstruction of the damaged holy water tank, entrance gate and bridge.

1802 AD Maharaja Ranjit Singh occupied the territory of Amritsar.

1808 AD Amritsar’s famous Gobindghar fort was raised to shift Lahore’s treasure to Amritsar.

1813 AD Maharaja Ranjit Singh obtained famous diamond "Ko-he-noor", now studded in the English crown, and a great army march past in the streets of Amritsar.

1822 AD Amritsar’s fortification wall with twelve gates completed.

1831 AD Gold world of the Golden Temple Reached its final stages.

1839 AD Maharaja Ranjit Singh came to Golden Temple in March 1839, it proved his last visit.

1849 AD The Sikhs lost their rule over the unified territory of Punjab.

1857 AD Amritsar observed a little effect of the mutiny against the British.

1871 AD Kuka [Namdhari] movement rocked Amritsar, Several Muslim butchers were assassinated. British administrators hanged several Kuka disciples to death in Amritsar near Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s summer palace.

1873 AD Singh Sabha Movement gained roots.

1881 AD The British government introduced their management agents or managers [Sarbarah] to exercise their full control over the Golden Temple.

1893 AD Khalsa College, Amritsar opened.

1902 AD Pro British chief Khala Diwan Formed.

1919 AD Jallian Wala Bagh massacre took life of several thousands innocent Sikhs and others on the Baisakhi day in Amritsar.

1921 AD The Sikhs took control of several Sikh shrines including the Golden Temple. SGPC like mother body emerged that took its final shape after some years.

1923 AD The first Ka Sewa or cleansing of the holy water tank took place.

1925 AD Sikh Gurdwara Act passed.

1947 AD Amritsar became a border city after India’s partition.

1949 AD Sikh Reference library formed.

1958 AD Central Sikh museum formed.

1973 AD The second Kar Sewa of the holy water tank.

1977 AD The city of Amritsar observed its 400th birthday.

1978 AD Sikh – Nirankari conflict took life of thirteen innocent Sikh demonstrators and it changed the Punjab forever.

1984 AD Indian Army invaded Golden Temple under operation "Blue Star", that claimed life of several innocent thousands of lives and resulted into the destruction of the Golden Temple complex.

1988 AD Another Para military action took place this year aimed to flush out Sikh militants from the Golden Temple complex.

1988 AD Several thousand shops and houses generally of the Sikhs were removed to make a corridor around the Golden Temple. It added long awaited beauty and space to the Golden Temple.

1997 AD English Queen Elizabeth II and her husband paid a visit to the Golden Temple.

2004 AD The Golden Temple observed the first Kar Sewa of the 21st century for the purpose of installing water treatment plants. This year also observed the largest ever recorded strength of devotees visiting the Golden Temple at once, on the eve of Quadricentennial Installation celebrations of the Sikh Scripture in September 2004.Harminder Sahib

Visit To The Historical Land of Kurukshetra

  THE LAND OF MAHABHARAT WAR & BHAGWAD GITA in kurukshetra   By Sanjeev Rattan / ON 02 Feburary 2021 / Kurukshetra  Kurukshetra, about o...